Check out The Essence of Integral Flourishing, my online course about health, happiness & personal development:


Take the course to discover a variety of techniques and exercises to lead an optimally happy, healthy & meaningful life…


Some of the benefits of taking the online Integral Flourishing course…

The Essence of Integral Flourishing online course is hosted by Integral Life, the main platform for people interested in using Integral Philosophy to improve the quality of their daily lives…

Course participants have responded to the Integral Flourishing course with considerable enthusiasm…

Robb Smith, the CEO of Integral Life, interviewed me about The Essence of Integral Flourishing course.

For more information about Robb Smith, see:

Here’s the first part of Robb’s interview with me.


Jeff Salzman, host of The Daily Evolver podcast,  interviewed me about The Essence of Integral Flourishing online course. 

At The Daily Evolver podcast, Jeff looks at current events through the lens of Integral, evolutionary theory.

For more information about Jeff Salzman & The Daily Evolver, see:


Here’s the first part of Jeff’s interview with me.

During The Essence of Integral Flourishing course, participants are invited to take the following survey to identify areas in their life where they can increase their well-being the most:

Domains and Dimensions Survey

Here’s a clip from The Essence of Integral Flourishing. In this clip, I introduce Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication.

For more videos, check out:

In my forthcoming book, Achieving Meaningful Goals, readers are invited to follow a 4-phase process to achieve sustainable results:

1: Identifying – Determine the desired outcome

2: Inventorizing – Formulate a realistic goal and effective strategy

3: Implementing – Take concrete action

4: Internalizing – Sustain achieved results

The book contains various exercises to help readers complete these four phases as smoothly as possible.